Ada yang menarik dari event telor Legend Hero Lucky Egg, salah dua dari item yang ditetaskan adalah Hervor dan Jormungand. Konon kedua item tersebut adalah godly item. Benarkah hal tersebut? Sayangnya sulit untuk informasi yang valid tentang kedua item ini.
Data yang bisa didapat dari patch:
Oke, ternyata mengetahui item id saja tidak cukup. Doddle, irowiki, ratemyserver, serta website-website database ragnarok lainnya belum memiliki item ini. WOW.
Penyelidikan berlanjut, makin penasaran tentunya. Sama seperti item-item sebelumnya, pencarian dilanjutkan dengan menggunakan bahasa lain, Jepang.
Valkyrie to 'protect the war bias', shield it with the name of the Heruvu~oru.
MDEF + 5.
decrease damage taken from the tribe of all 30%
destruction not, refining not
shield defense: 100 Weight: 150 series
request level: Occupation: All 90 equipment
magical power you have is also a powerful, cane. become even more famous by giving a powerful poison to the enemy and began to get the name of the 'Jormungand'
MATK + 280, INT + 20.
magic attack at the time, a chance to grant the 'poison' the enemy.
when subjected to close physical attack, the enemy to grant 'deadly poison' a chance.
destruction not refining impossible..
series: hands cane Attack: 200 Weight: 300 Attribute: Poison
Weapon Level: 4 Required Level: 90 Job: Wizard-based system Sage Soul Linker
----------- Benarkah Godly?? ---------------
Yap, benar sekali. Hervor dan Jormungand adalah item godly terbaru dari ragnarok. Godly item ini akan diimplementasi dengan adanya Training WOE. Training WOE adalah perang antar 1st job. :D Drop dari treasure box kastil tersebut nantinya digunakan untuk membuat Hervor dan Jormungand ini.
Aneh memang. Implementasi TWOE baru berjalan beberapa bulan di kRO, namun idRO sudah berani comot godly itemnya dan dijadikan hadiah telor.
- Hammer x2 of (G1) Vu~erundo
- Anvil x1 of (G2) Vu~erundo
- mass x4 cast bronze was rice (G3) magic
- G4 maybe x3 .... Bangles (?) Vu~erundo
- secret of x1 (G5) rune
- Valkyrie Shield x1
- ( 50 (Eruniumu, 50 Orideokon created) Musuperu potassium x1 in G1)
- 100 pieces Rune Ore 200 + Mystical Rune Ore (x1 ancient essence of creation) rune magic in (G1)
- Skin of x4 (K1) Hræsvelgr
- soul of x1 (K2) Fugin
- rib x1 of (K3) Jormungand
- chisel x4 of (K4) giant
- x1 soul (K5) Munin
- Wizard Staff x1
- 50 pieces (Eruniumu Rusuperuriumu x1, 50 pieces Orideokon )
- 100 Rune Ore 200 + Mystical Rune Ore (x1 essence of ancient rune magic)
Hervor Alvtir
![]() |
Hervor Alvtir |
Hervor Alvtir[1]
Valkyrie to 'protect the war bias'. strong force is further grant shield. with the name of the Heruvu~oru
VIT + 20, MDEF + 10.
decline. damage received from the tribe of all 30%
close physical attack When I received,. receive the light of the Guardian] 60 seconds a chance
to release [light of patron] is immediately receive 'Stan, sleep, curse, petrochemical, poison, darkness, silence, bleeding, confusion, ice freeze' the And then also not apply to abnormal state between appropriate duration of effect.
destruction refining not impossible..
series: Shield Defense: 150 Weight: 300
Required Level: 100 Job: 3 next job
Bahan Hervor Alvtir[1]
- Jormungand
- Silence of God
- shine Twilight (F1), the dawn (B3) and two by two footsteps (V5), (L1), cat jewelry Freya (V2), air flow (V3), butterfly storm quiet wave (F2) 1 individual essence
- Scales of White Snake
- (F3, F5),仄cold moonlight root (B2), (C2), stone spit of bird (B5) and two by two (V1), feather angel (L5), snowflake decoration of silver (F4) 1 piece dark starry
- treasure of dwarf
- 150 sweat of 50 Dwarf Flame Heart (TE fort treasure box)
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Ganbantein |
it. well as magic and powerful, with a cane with a characteristic silence the target you attack, began to get the name 'Ganbantein' to neutralize the magic of enemy
MATK + 320, INT + 25, DEX + 25.
magic when attacking. triggered 'Shirentiumu Lv1' grant or 'poison' the enemy a chance
when subjected to close physical attacks. granting 'silence' the enemy a chance
. destruction are not allowed. refining impossible
series : both hands cane Attack: 100 Weight: 200
Weapon Level: 4 Required Level: 100 Job: Warlock
Bahan Ganbantein[2]
- Hervor
- Tears Warrior
- (N4), tears of goddess ashes of hero (C1), (L3), (L4) and two by two gear unknown glove of Thor (L2), Iron Maiden soul (C5), of fish breath of the soul (N1), (N2) 1 piece of sculpture Valkyrie
- Anger Warrior
- (B1), the sun god anger Valkyrie symbol (C4), (C3), (B4), 2 pcs upcoming waves beard women muscle bear pieces of armor of Brünnhilde and by (V4) (N3), (N5) 1 piece ring and Valli
- Flower of guardian
- 150 proof of 20 warrior four-leaf clover (TE fort treasure box)
--------- Review Hervor dan Jormungand ------------
Mana yang lebih baik? Hervor atau Thara Frog?
Secara overall Hervor memang jauh lebih unggul, tidak bisa pecah, dapat digunakan disemua medan (pve/pvp/woe), hard def yang dimiliki pun tergolong besar dan tidak drop tentunya. Namun jika harus dibandingkan dengan Imunned Shield atau Valkrja Shield, tentu saja kedua shield ini lebih baik untuk digunakan pvp/woe.
Mana yang lebih baik? Jormungand atau SOD atau TSOD?
+13 TSOD dengan kombinasi +7 Skull Cap merupakan senjata terbaik. Selain MATK yang besar dan enchant able, dapat pula menggunakan shield. Sementara Jormungand ada dipilihan pertama untuk senjata soul linker. Jika harus dibandingkan dengan SOD, Jormungand jelas lebih baik.
----------- Drop Rate Legend Hero Lucky Egg ------------
Sample: 424 announcement
Berzebub Card ???%
Sealed Incanation Samurai Card 1/424= 0.235%
Sealed Lady Tanee Card 1/424 = 0.235%
Safe to + 11 Upgrade Armor
Safe to + 11 Upgrade Weapon
Safe to + 9 Upgrade Armor 4/424 = 0.943%
Safe to + 9 Upgrade Weapon 6/424 = 1.415%
Volcano Knife 70/424 = 16.509%
New Wave Sunglasses = 70/424 = 16.509%
Silversmith Bracelet 30/424 = 7.075%
Hervor 18/424 = 4.245%
Jormungand 57/424 = 13.443%
Ancient Gold Decoration 52/424 = 12.264%
Blessed Weapon Ore 61/424 = 14.386%
Blessed Armor Ore 52/424 = 12.264%
Biscuit Stick ??%
Insurance Package ??%
Bubble Gum Box ??%
Megaphone ??%
Data tersebut hanya berdasarkan announcement telor beberapa hari terakhir (tidak lengkap). Dengan adanya zonk yang tidak diumumkan, bisa jadi drop ratenya setengah atau bahkan seperempat dari data tersaji.
---------- The Question is ----------
Akankah LYTO akan mengeluarkan Hervor Alvtir dan Ganbantein dalam rupa telor, limited item mall atau hadiah undian? Kapan LYTO akan mengimplementasi Training WOE? soon :')
Well, keliatannya harga hervor dan jormungand akan segera naik nih ^_^ Jangan maruk kk, diatas langit masih ada antariksa :p
Bisa jadi saya salah, keliru, tidak benar, kurang tepat atau anda menganggap saya sotoy. Whatever, I don't care :D